A microsite on Flipkart’s mobile app for this foldable smartphone states that the sale of Pixel 9 Pro Fold will start from September 4. The price of this smartphone is Rs 1,49,499 after bank offers and discounts. It can also be purchased on EMI of Rs 12,459. Pixel 9 Pro Fold is also listed on Croma’s website. The company’s Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro XL have been available for sale since last month.
In some countries, the smartphone went out of stock due to high demand. In the country, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold will be made available only in 256 GB of storage. However, like the Pixel 9 Pro XL, it can be availed with free 2 TB of storage for one year in Google One’s Gemini Advanced plan. Google Google’s new smartphone Pixel 8a will be manufactured in the country. This smartphone was launched in May this year. It replaced the Pixel 7a. Google has started manufacturing Pixel 8 in the country. The company has said that it will soon manufacture Pixel 8a in the country as well.
However, the company has not said when the manufacturing of Pixel 8a will start. This smartphone has been made available in four colors. Its 128 GB storage variant is priced at Rs 49,999 and 256 GB is priced at Rs 56,999. For this, Google’s international manufacturing unit Compal has partnered with Dixon Technologies. Its factory has an initial capacity of about one lakh units per month. About 30 percent of this will be exported. In recent years, some international smartphone companies like Samsung have started local manufacturing.