The company has said in a press release that the P2 Pro 5G will be launched on September 13. This smartphone can be purchased on Realme’s website and e-commerce site Flipkart. It is seen in green color and golden frame in the promotional image. The rear camera module of this smartphone has two cameras and an LED flash unit. It is seen with a curved display and slim bezels. The front of the P2 Pro 5G has a hole-punch slot for the selfie camera at the center. The battery of this smartphone will support 80 W wired fast charging.
Snapdragon chipset will be given in P2 Pro 5G. The price of 8 GB + 128 GB variant of P1 Pro 5G is Rs 19,999 and 8 GB + 256 GB is Rs 20,999. It has been made available in Parrot Blue and Phoenix Red colors. Recently Realme introduced an innovation in proprietary fast charging technology. It is being called 320 W SuperSonic Charge. The company claims that with this smart fone It can be charged in about 4.30 minutes. Realme also showcased a new type of foldable battery for smartphones at its annual 828 Fan Fest held in China.
Realme had said that the 320 W supersonic charge technology will charge the smartphone up to 100 percent in about 4.30 minutes. This will give the option to charge Realme smartphones up to 150 W and compatible laptops at 65 W through dual USB Type-C output. The company also demonstrated a folded battery with a rated capacity of 4,420 mAh for smartphones. This battery can be folded and due to this it can also be used in foldable smartphones. The company’s sales have grown rapidly in the last few years.
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